Accueil DX EM1UA EM1U AC Vernadsky Galindez Island Biscoe Islands

EM1UA EM1U AC Vernadsky Galindez Island Biscoe Islands

Par Claude ON4CN

EM1UA EM1U AC Vernadsky Galindez Island Biscoe Islands

EM1UA EM1U AC Vernadsky Galindez Island Biscoe Islands

2019-01-19 13:24:19

Roman, UT7UA will be active as EM1UA and EM1U from Antarctic Base Vernadsky, Galindez Island, Biscoe Islands, IOTA AN – 006. He is on the way to the Island.


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Roman, UT7UA sera actif en utilisant l’indicatif EM1UA et EM1U de la base antarctique Vernadsky, de l’île Galindez, des îles Biscoe, IOTA AN-006.
Il est sur le chemin de l’île.

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